It’s been a little bit of a whirlwind the past few weeks here at TGCHQ.
For those of you new to TGC, I’m from Melbourne, Australia and we are currently in our 6th extended lockdown. So the days and weeks seem to be consistently rolling into one. Somedays, I wake up not realising what day of the week it actually is.
I’m not sure if I’m the only one feeling like that as of late, but alas, it made time for a few little “room renos”. I decided to do a little revamp of my office/studio room. I’m close to the finish line and awaiting some final pieces that have been on backorder for a few weeks. I can’t wait to give you the full tour soon.
Do you ever have moments when you are ready to share something, begin to put your thoughts down, but then God steps in with a little tap on the shoulder and says uh uh, not yet.
Well I’m reminded of a time that happened to me. I sat to write out my weekly email for The Collective, as God stopped me in my tracks. I’m reminded of this because, more than ever I feel like God has been preparing His people to take up their swords and become battle ready.
I’ve found that when God really needs to get me full attention about a situation or circumstance, He will often do so through a dream. So it’s no coincidence that this particular morning, that’s exactly what God did, which led to an urgent call to prayer.
Have you ever had one of those dreams?
It’s a dream where God gives you a glimpse or an insight into a situation that you may or may not even be aware of. It might wake you up from your sweet slumber with a sense of urgency or it might be something you can address once you’re awake for the day. Either way, you know it’s something that God has shown you and He’s given you the task to do something about it.
This isn’t the first time it’s happened to me.
Sometimes I’ve had dreams which have lead to uncomfortable conversations and confrontations, but ultimately freedom in people’s lives. Other times, I’ve never known who or what the specifics of the dream related to, and so I just generally interceded as that’s all I could do.
Well the dream I had that morning was unlike any other.
It specifically highlighted the way that people attempt to control the spiritual atmosphere in ways we may not even know. We may not see all that goes on behind the scenes, but God does. This is why it’s so important for us to be tuned into the Holy Spirit and learn to discern situations and circumstances going on around us.
God will put the call out to His people to pray and break the chains, but you need to be tuned in to hear His call. It’s so important on our journey with the Lord to make ourselves always available and willing even if it may cause us a bit of inconvenience. Now, let’s be real here, waking up as early as I did that day was not how I would usually start my Friday, but in making myself available to God, I’ve surrendered my own comforts even if it means getting up earlier than I would like to.
So, as I jumped out of bed with a sense of urgency, from this dream, I knew I just needed to get my prayer on, and girl was it a prayer session
God revealed some really specific things to me.
Did you know that God is always willing and ready to talk to us, sometimes we just need to make room and be ready to listen. That morning, I made room through obedience, and now I want to share some of the things God spoke to me about with you in hope that it will encourage you as we walk through this spiritual battle that we are seeing in the world today, together.
If you’re not aware of the Armour of God, I encourage you to go and read it in Ephesians 6:10-18. This is such an important passage of Scripture to have stored up in your heart. We are living in hard times friend, and the evil we see in the world isn’t just by coincidence as Verse 12 reads “for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
I believer that this generation, is the generation that is going to see this broken off like never before. We are walking through a time when anxiety, depression and fear are at an all time high. I believe we will be the generation to break this of future generations.
The buck stops with us.
The question we need to ask ourselves is, am I battle ready?
So how do we prepare for the battle?
Well there’s a lot involved before any great army goes out to war. There’s training, planning and briefing that occurs. In the same way, we need to be prepped and battle ready at all times through truth, righteousness, peace, faith, our assurance of salvation and the Word of God.
When we start to feel the pressure of the spiritual realm it’s time to rise up and fight the battle with the Truth of God. It can be a little overwhelming thinking about the spiritual forces that we can come up against at times, but take courage because Scripture has all the answers.
There are two passages of Scripture that always flood my mind and Spirit when I know I’m raging war in the spiritual realm and I pray that you hold on to them closely as well.
1 John 4: 4
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
What incredible promises we can hold onto as we step out and fight the battle which we have been called to fight.
This is how I fight my battles. Is this how you fight yours?
You and I have been created for such a time as this, and as a reminder I’ve included this free wall paper for you to download to you phone as reminder, that this is your time!
I hope you have been encouraged friend.
Have a beautifully blessed week,