It’s been a long a long time in the making but it’s finally here.
If you’ve been following The Grace Code Co for a while, you’ll know that this whole project is all about unlocking Jesus in your everyday life.
It’s a project from the heart. It’s about building a community of women that will inspire, equip, encourage, empower and deepen you and your faith as you pursue your purpose in God.
It all started when God planted what I like to call “a joke of a seed” in my heart. You know those crazy fleeting thoughts that you just laugh to yourself about. To be honest I was in complete disbelief that this idea was something that God had called me to. I wasn’t a confident person, I liked the behind the scenes. I was totally unqualified, petrified of public speaking and shuddered at the thought of public speaking.
So when this idea of a podcast fluttered in my heart, I laughed and put it on the shelf, never to be spoken of again – or so I thought.
Well God changed my heart and some 18 months later (August 2020), I dropped the first episode of The Grace Code Podcast. I have no idea that just 12 months later, I’d still be here launching The Grace Code Co Blog and Online Store.
When we lay it all down and surrender ourselves completely to God, there is nothing that He can’t do with us – an empty vessel.
The time I walked through thinking I was completely unqualified to do anything like this, was a season where God showed up and instilled in me His complete confidence in me. I had several people give me significant words of encouragement and push me out of my comfort zone all in preparation for the journey God had laid out ahead of me.
I came to the realisation that I didn’t want to be the person who missed out on what God had for them because of fear, lack of confidence or even anxiety. So I surrendered everything over to God again and over the past 12 months, I’ve learnt that hey – I can do this.
I’ve learnt to step out of my comfort zone, I’ve learnt that the more and more I tune in and recognise His voice, He’s going to provide for me in and out of season.
God is going to call us all to things that are uncomfortable. He’s going to call things out of us that are uncomfortable and He’s going to make sure we take more than one step out of our comfort zone. If He calls you to do it – one thing for sure is, He is going to come through. He’s not going to leave you hanging. He will produce for you in the season you are walking through and He will qualify you for what He has called you to do and it’s going to be an incredible journey.
My journey has been one that’s left me overwhelmed by God’s goodness in EVERY SEASON.
My prayer is that you leave this corner of the internet feeling inspired, passionate and encouraged to step out of your comfort zone and step into the things that God is calling you to. May you find encouraging words here that unlock Jesus in your everyday and bring you into a deeper relationship with Him. It’s a wonderful thing understanding the mysteries of God, but there’s a lot more to unlock by just knowing Him and how deep His love runs for you.
I’d love to get to know you all, so make sure you leave a comment introducing yourself and letting me know where you’re from.
Have a beautifully blessed week,